The steam-fantasy epic continues in this a high-quality hardcover graphic novel about loss, revenge, and conflicting loyalties.
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I can't believe it!
over 4 years ago
– Wed, Nov 11, 2020 at 03:59:51 PM
This is amazing!
Last night I went to bed uncertain about the future of the Impure Blood, Vol. 2 campaign after a high-level pledge backed out. This morning I woke up to find that my backers had rallied, upped their pledges, and spread the word to their friends.
I am truly grateful and humbled to have so many amazing people in my corner. I could not have done this without that support and, in a year that has been nothing but uncertain, this fills me with hope and pride.
I owe it to them, and to you, to bring this campaign home and make it the best that I possibly can!
In fact I want to take a moment to really appreciate all the amazing people I've met along the way.
The friends I've met at cons.
The podcasters who have given me air time.
The other creators who have shared tips, tricks and their work with me.
The cosplayers who have are unreasonably enthusiastic about my work.
The people who have been reading Impure Blood from the get go.
The friends and family who have encouraged and supported me in following my passion.
And my daughters for always inspiring me to be better.
This moment is for you! And I thank you all from the very bottom of my heart!
And so here we are! With a scant 12 hours remaining in this, my second endeavor into Kickstarting!
Whatever happens, I am grateful to have made it this far.
The Impure Blood, Vol. 2 Kickstarter Countdown Party starts tonight at 8PM CST. I do hope to see you there.
over 4 years ago
– Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 11:57:31 PM
Looks like we got some last minute drama..!
A high level pledge has unfortunately backed out, putting us back under our funding goal. And with just over 24 hours to go, this is cutting it really close.
The good news though, is the Mystery Patron Tier is back in play!
I've talked to the Mystery Patron and they're willing to open this up for three more slots! This is a great deal for other writers and creators who want their character brought to life! Or for the tabletop gamer who wants some sick art to show their group! Either way this is your second chance at a last chance!
And we still have over ten bonus comics for every backer!
That's the Kick-Ass Kickstarters bundle:
Plus the Thuper Thpooky Bundle!
That's ten bonus comics that you will get for backing at any level.
Plus, you have 24 hours left to send me a voting selfie for that free bonus comic!
This is it guys! Literally hours left on the clock!
And whether you pledged or not, I'd love it if you joined me for my Kickstarter Countdown Party on Wednesday night from 8-Midnight CST.
CLICK HERE FOR A REMINDER and tune in for the exciting conclusion to the Impure Blood Vol.2 campaign!
This is why you don't declare victory until it's actually over!
More soon! Till then, be good!
But not too good 😉
- Nathan
over 4 years ago
– Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 08:02:24 PM
It is my very great pleasure to announce that, as of this morning, the Impure Blood, Vol. 2 campaign is officially funded! A big thanks and fist-bump to everyone who backed, shared the links, and sent messages of good will and support! I could not have done this without you! Thank you so much!
If you haven't backed yet, no worries! You still have until midnight tomorrow.
And passing our 100% goal means that we've unlocked yet another Milestone Bonus Reward!
5 awesome bonus comics from 5 awesome creators who are currently killing it on Kickstarter!
RJ and her husband Brent travel deep into Voodoo strongholds around the world, trying to restore Brent's humanity. This dark and haunting journey will challenge their faith, marriage, and worldview.
It maybe too late to get the Mystery Patron reward, but you can still get your hand on this awesome bundle of comics, plus the Thuper-Thpooky Comcith Bundle we unlocked when we passed the %50 mark!
That's ten bonus comics that you will get for backing at any level.
And, you still have till the end of the campaign to send me your voting selfie for yet another free bonus comic, whether you pledged or not!
Just one day left! It's last call for the Impure Blood Vol.2 Kickstarter campaign!
And don't forget, whether you pledged or not, I'd love it if you joined me for my Kickstarter Countdown Party on Wednesday night from 8-Midnight CST.
CLICK HERE FOR A REMINDER and tune in for the exciting conclusion to the Impure Blood Vol.2 campaign!
I'm gonna need a nap after all this!
More soon! Till then, be good!
But not too good 😉
- Nathan
Digging into the creative process!
over 4 years ago
– Mon, Nov 09, 2020 at 07:15:56 PM
2 days left!
We're cruising along and just $395 shy of our goal! Things are looking good!
That also means there's only 3 more slots for the Mystery Patron reward! I've been asked a couple of backers if they can get a copy of Volume 1 as well, and the answer is yes! Backers of the Mystery Patron Tier can up their pledge to $120 and get Volume 1 as an add-on!
And when you're done with that, I have a little treat for your ear-holes:
Friend, podcaster, and fellow comic creator, Andrew Guilde was good enough to have me on the latest episode of his podcast: Don't Try, Make It Happen.
It's a great conversation in which we discuss creativity and it's process, our influences, and the joy of world building. I think you'll really like it!
And while we're on the topic of things I think you'd enjoy...
Cthulhu Invades Oz
by Travis Gibb
Over 50 incredible comic creators got together to bring the blending of two different universes in the mystical world of Frank Baum's Wizard of Oz, and the horrifying world that is the work of H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos. When the Great Old One himself invades Oz it sparks a war that will change OZ FOREVER! This anthology tells one big story through the eyes of the different residents of doomed Land of Oz.
And don't forget, whether you pledged or not, I'd love it if you joined me for my Kickstarter Countdown Party on Wednesday night from 8-Midnight CST.
CLICK HERE FOR A REMINDER and tune in for the exciting conclusion to the Impure Blood Vol.2 campaign!
Not sure what I'm going to do afterwards, but it will probably involve sleeping a lot. Maybe a sandwich.
More soon! Till then, be good!
But not too good 😉
- Nathan
More Daily Drawing Drawing Winners!
over 4 years ago
– Mon, Nov 09, 2020 at 08:07:55 AM
Ever closer, ever closer!
Just 6% left! I don't think we're going to hit 100% until the last day or two, but things are definitely looking good!
In the meantime, I wanted to share with you the Daily Drawing Drawings I've been doing for a few lucky backers!
Hello, Death! Death of the Endless from Neil Gaiman's The Sandman for Greg!
Beth wanted a sketch of her World of Warcraft character!
John just gave me one word: Leviathan!
Toothless form How to Train Your Dragon for Aemelia!
Whenever someone doesn't know what they want and just turns me loose, I give an Impure Blood character a hipster makeover.
Like hipster Caspian!
I have so much fun doing these! I hope you're enjoying them too. If you want a chance to get one for yourself, a new winner is chosen every day! But you have 3 more days to back!
Or, if you're looking for something a little more finished, there's still time to lock in that Mystery Patron reward bundle. Only 6 remain, though! I'll even throw in a copy of Impure Blood, Vol.1 for $20 extra if you say please 😉
And whether you pledged or not, I'd love it if you joined me for my Kickstarter Countdown Party on Wednesday night from 8-Midnight CST.
CLICK HERE FOR A REMINDER and tune in for the exciting conclusion to the Impure Blood Vol.2 campaign!
It has been a great ride! Now it's time bring it home!