The steam-fantasy epic continues in this a high-quality hardcover graphic novel about loss, revenge, and conflicting loyalties.
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Parties all the way down!
over 4 years ago
– Sun, Nov 08, 2020 at 01:31:00 AM
Closer and closer we creep towards our goal! Things are looking good, but I'm not one to declare victory prematurely. We've still got a ways to go and not much time left!
Whatever happens, I want to take this moment to invite you to my Kickstarter Countdown Party, Wednesday night form 8-Midnight CST.
We'll chat, we'll gab, we'll recount the rollercoaster that has been this campaign and the months leading up to it! Tune in for the exciting conclusion to the Impure Blood Vol.2 campaign!
And if you can't wait till Wednesday to see my goofy face, you can join me, Melissa J. Massey, Andrew Guilde, and Angela Oddling tonight at 7 PM CST for Melissa's 1920's cocktail party, celebrating the launch of her new book, Black Ball.
We're gonna talk shop, the creative process, the relationship between writer and artist, the business of Kickstarter, and just have some general nerdy fun. I think you'll like it!
But before that, have a look at this.
Spectress & Sabanion
by Kurt Zauer
Spectress & Sabanion is a supernatural horror story about Aneksi, the ghost of Cleopatra's top assassin. Aneksi has lived as a ghost for centuries and has learned to rejoin the world of the living. She is at the cusp of finding purpose in her unlife in the modern world of the living. She is, however, bound by an ancient curse to a demon named Sabanion. As Aneksi pushes more into the world of the living, she must drag Sabanion with her.
If you like dark fantasy tales like Hellraiser, Immortal Hulk, and Justice League Dark then this book is for you!
There's only a few days in to lock in the Mystery Patron reward tier and a chance to win the Daily Drawing Drawing. Both are only available until we hit our funding goal. I love doing the sketch cards and will definitely be bringing that back for Impure Blood Vol.3, but I don't know that I will ever be able to offer a value bundle like the Mystery Patron tier again, so don't miss out on that!
And you know what? It's a gorgeous day today. Get out and enjoy the weather! Have a little party for yourself!
More soon! Till then, be good!
But not too good 😉
- Nathan
I can't believe this!
over 4 years ago
– Sun, Nov 08, 2020 at 12:41:16 AM
Look at this!
This is a huge moment for me. The Impure Blood, Vol. 1 campaign topped out at $9080. Everything from here on in is a new personal record. A year ago, I didn't even know if this was possible. Whatever happens, this has already been so much more than I could have possibly imagined. Thanks for being a part of it!
And now let's celebrate 1920s-style!
Not my celebration, actually.
You may remember Melissa J. Massey from The Alchemist of Aurillia and the artist of the cool Mac mini print which is currently available as part of the Impure Blood, Vol.2 campaign.
She just launched her latest book, Black Ball, so a few of us are getting together to celebrate with a roaring 1920's-style launch party. We'd love it if you'd join Melissa, Andrew Guilde, Angela Oddling, and myself tomorrow (Saturday) at 7PM CST, to help her kick it off. I guarantee it will be the bees-knees!
Don't forget, the Mystery Patron reward tier is only available until we hit our funding goal. And since we're less than 10% away, there are at most 9 of these left. This may be your last chance to get the $200 reward tier at half-price!
The clock is ticking! It's the home stretch, the bases are loaded, the fat lady is warming up, we're turning the corner, and other euphemisms!
Whatever happens, it's all over Wednesday at Midnight!
It's been a wild ride and I can't wait to see what happens!
More soon! Till then, be good!
But not too good 😉
- Nathan
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 09:27:22 PM
Holy crap!!
I woke up this morning to find that we had jumped over $1,000 overnight!
Here's what happened!
We are in the home stretch and there's no reason we shouldn't be able to bring it home at this point!
Plus, here are some more super cool Kickstarters that I scoped out for you!
Night Wolf, by Rob Multari
Do you love stories about anti-heroes and supernatural beings like werewolves, vampires, demons, witches, zombies and more? Then you will love Night Wolf Vol 1: Urban Fantasy Werewolf Coming of Age Drama!
Born into the outcast breed of werewolves known as the Monoki, eighteen-year-old Rodney Marcelli is reluctantly thrown into an ancient war between good and evil in today's world where the line has blurred. With the help of Snow Paw, the Pureblood Monoki, and the supernatural evil slayer, Night Hunter, Rod must learn to master his newly found lycanthropy and mysterious kinetic energy power that only he possesses. Rod must fight the Dark Covenant in order to avenge his friends and family, and to save the girl he loves from the master vampire, Lord Malice. Rodney Marcelli is Night Wolf!
CLICK HERE to join the Wolf Pack by backing Night Wolf today!
Talos of Sparta, by Shaun Paulet
The Beast King is a Spartan myth, a legend nothing more than a tale to scare children and the lost traveler from venturing to far into the unknown region. Little did people know that while the first Spartans defeated this evil, Rome had kept it at bay for many years. When Rome fell to the power of Sparta this evil was left to grow and prosper, waiting for it's time to take revenge on Sparta and all those who oppose him. Now, after the death of his father, a Spartan warrior is entrusted by a mythical priestess to battle the monstrous army that is amassing in the East!
If you like 300, 47 Ronin, or Y: The Last Man, then Talos of Sparta is for you! CLICK HERE TO HAVE A LOOK!
You might remember this guy from my Thuper-Thpooky bundle! Now you can get more of the story and support the creation of more on Kickstarter!
Vlad Tepes Dracula is now ready to make his final play to collapse the Ottoman Empire - but he can't do it alone. Enlisting the help of James Fitzharris; Arabian Nights storyteller Scheherazade (now a unique undead being); James's estranged son and retired British Royal Army sapper, Fachtna Fitzharris; and turncoat Ottoman spy Meryem Merengaz - Dracula tries to manipulate them into achieving his goal - defeating a mysterious supernatural creature on the side of the Ottomans, The Radiant One.
Mixing supernatural elements with history, the horrors of war, and the double-dealing of crime fiction, THE CRUSADE OF DRACULA is truly a cross-genre experience!
I'll be working on the poster for TeslaCon 2021, so pour yourself an absinthe and I'll see you there!
There's just 6 days left to back the Impure Blood, Vol.2 Kickstarter, and who knows how long to take advantage of some of these awesome deals!
I'm going to be in touch a lot over the next few days as we finish out this wild ride together. You will definitely be hearing from me soon.
Till then, be good!
But not too good 😉
- Nathan
One week left!
over 4 years ago
– Tue, Nov 03, 2020 at 05:40:59 PM
This is it! We're down to the wire!
We've had some good movement in the last couple days, but it's gonna be close.
We definitely have good things to report though! First and foremost, we have crossed the 75% threshold! And that means I get to unveil a new Milestone Bonus!
What's a good fantasy story without a world map? Now Kickstarter backers can follow our heroes' progress with this exclusive guide to the world of Impure Blood!
Not only that, but we've also been selected by the good folks at Kickstarter to be one of their "Projects We Love".
This is not something that is selected by some algorithm, either. An actual human person at Kickstarter looked at Impure Blood and thought it was notable. This is something that takes most creators a few more campaigns to achieve so I am both humbled and proud to be noticed after just two (one and a half?) campaigns.
And in case you forgot, there's something important you have to do today (if you haven't already)...
Unfortunately you can't post photos in the comments below. But if you tag me in your voting selfie on social media, DM me, whatever, you get a free comic.
I'm @nathanlueth on Twitter and @nathanluethillustration on Facebook and Instagram.
It's that easy. You voted? You get a free comic!
You can send me the picture any time from now till the end of the campaign (November 11), but remember, TODAY IS THE DAY!
And one more thing: My Thursday Night Livedraw this week is going to be a special one! TeslaCon 2020 was supposed to be this weekend and obviously, that's not happening this year. But you can tune in and help me create the poster for TeslaCon 2021!
And don't forget, there's just one week left to back the Impure Blood, Vol.2 Kickstarter.
It's gonna be a close one! Let's finish strong together!
More soon! Till then, be good!
But not too good 😉
- Nathan
Show yo' vote!
over 4 years ago
– Sun, Nov 01, 2020 at 12:58:23 PM
Huzzah! Movement!
It's gonna be a close one folks, but I do genuinely believe that we can bring this home. Or I'm going to go down with the ship. Definitely one of those two will happen.
I would be remiss if I didn't point out that we are within striking distance of 75% funded, at which point not only will I unveil our 75% milestone bonus, but the backer that pushes us over that $7500 mark will receive a bonus Surprise Prize added to their reward!
What could it be? Who will get it? One way to find out!
But enough with that! Let's have some fun!
Everybody's all kinds of anxious about the election here in the states, and justifiabley so. But I do want to take a moment to celebrate and appreciate the democratic process itself.
So here's the deal. If you're a backer the Impure Blood, Vol. 2 Kickstarter campaign and you voted, post a picture in the comments below that proves it, and I'll send you a free digital comic. Or, if you're feeling shy, you can send me a direct message via Kickstarter. Just click your account icon in the upper right, and click messages.
It can be anything that shows you voted. Your "I voted" sticker... A picture of you putting your ballot in the mail or a dropbox... Whatever!
Like so...
It's that easy. You voted? You get a free comic!
You can post a picture any time from now till the end of the campaign, but remember you only have till Tuesday to get your ballot in!
And heck! Let's open this up to the international backers, too! Doesn't matter what country you live in! Show me you voted this month and you get a free comic. It's that easy!