
IMPURE BLOOD, Volume 2 of 4

Created by Nathan Lueth

The steam-fantasy epic continues in this a high-quality hardcover graphic novel about loss, revenge, and conflicting loyalties.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Coming Soon! Last chance to complete Backerkit Surveys!
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 02:40:18 PM

We're getting close!

I don't want to make any promises or jinx anything at this point, but I'm hoping that the Impure Blood, Vol. 2 books will be getting here this week!

Meaning this probably your last chance to fill out those Backerkit surveys before I start shipping!

And it means that we are probably 3-4 weeks out from launching the Kickstarter for Impure Blood, Vol. 3!

Now ask me if I'm ready!

Pfft... "Am I ready"?

CLICK HERE to check out this fully operational Kickstarter page! Locked, loaded, and ready to launch!

And do please let me know what you think! Is everything clear and understandable? Are there any missing reward tiers you'd like to see? Any typos?Let me know! You're feedback is invaluable to me!

And be sure to hit the "Remind Me" button so you know the minute we launch!

I don't know 100% for certain when that will be, but I promise you'll be the first to know!

If you missed out on the Kickstarters for Volume's 1 & 2, not to fret. You can CLICK HERE to lock up a couple copies of your very own.

I'm so excited! I've been waiting to launch Volume 3 for so long, my pants are completely antsy! It's so close, I can taste it!

More soon.

Till next time, be good!

But not too good 😉

- Nathan

almost 4 years ago – Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 03:47:27 PM

Good news!

The shipment of Impure Blood, Volume 2 hit Chicago late last week and should go through clearance early this week!

They're so dang close I can taste it! And that means we're just a stones throw away from launching Volume 3! I'm hoping we can do it by the end of the month!

I'm taking my girls out of town for spring break next week, so hopefully they won't be wanting to deliver the books while we're away! No worries, though. We'll figure it out.

Ah the joys of being an indie self-publisher...

Speaking of, my good friends over at Inverse Press are at it again! They're on the last week of their Kickstarter for Last Ride of the 4 Horseman!

It's a Steampunk-Western comic book set in a world where the Apocalypse systematically eradicated human life, as monstrous Steampunk Horsemen destroyed food and water supplies and pitted the remaining, diseased peoples against one another in cannibalistic and genocidal wars.

You know... A family story!

CLICK HERE to check them out! I know you're going to love them!

One more thing before I forget: This week is the last chance to win this utter unit of a SciFi/Fantasy book collection.

Just look at these titles. Look at those authors! With $300 worth of books in this package, you will absolutely not lack for reading material this summer. And as if that weren't enough, every entrant get's free comics and content. You cannot loose with this. CLICK HERE and get yourself signed up before it's too late!

The books are coming in, vaccines are rolling out, the weather's... trying to make up it's mind, I did my taxes this weekend and I'm still riding high on those good "Got 'er done" vibes. Hope you're feeling them too. I'll send a few your way just in case.

More soon.

Till next time, be good!

But not too good 😉

- Nathan

On Dragons, Disappointments, and Giveaways
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Mar 08, 2021 at 11:02:49 AM


I was hoping to have better news for you this week, but unfortunately my printer has informed me that the books missed the train to Chicago last week. It seems Covid delays have things all kinds of backed up so there's not much to be done but hurry up and wait.

And as a proactive kind of guy, the words are pure anathema.

But, there's not much I can do other than be ready to launch Impure Blood, Volume 3 when the time comes and focus on the good things.

Speaking of:

If you're like me, the words "Too many books" just don't make any sense. So a couple creators and I have gotten together to create our Spring SciFi/Fantasy Book Box Giveaway!

Look! A floofy kit-teh!

The prize pack features a collection of novels, both prose and graphic, from the likes of Neil Gaiman, Brian K. Vaughan, Joe Hill, and Andy Weir. Guaranteed to keep you busy through the summer. Plus, every entrant get's free comics and content. You cannot loose with this. CLICK HERE and get yourself entered before it's too late!

So it may not be the update I wanted, but there's definitely some good to be had in there. Hope you had a good weekend and a happy Monday to you!

More soon.

Till next time, be good!

But not too good 😉

- Nathan

Support the environment!
about 4 years ago – Mon, Mar 01, 2021 at 05:27:27 PM

So the Impure Blood, Volume 2 books are in Chicago and clearing customs. I'm waiting to hear when I can expect to receive them, but I will be sure to let you know as soon as I do.

In the meantime, my friend Kayla just launched her first-ever Kickstarter campaign and it is definitely worth your time and attention:

It is what it says on the label: a comic-magazine that aims to inspire and empower individuals from all walks of life with the agency to take charge of their individual impact  and the future of our pale, blue dot. If supporting an up and coming entrepreneur in her mission to preserve our environment sounds like a win to you, then I hope you will CLICK HERE to check it out!

Spring is starting to think about springing here in Minnesota. Hope you're staying safe, healthy, and warm.

More soon.

Till then, be good!

But not too good 😉

- Nathan

Check out the Volume 3 Mini Print!
about 4 years ago – Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 03:37:12 PM

Good news!

The shipment of Impure Blood, Volume 2 is not just in the United States now, it's in my time zone!

My printer informs me that the books will arrive at customs in Chicago this week. That's only a 6 hour drive away for me and, I'm telling you, the temptation to rent a U-Haul and go pick them up is definitely there!

Wisdom, however, tells me that the best thing to do is to be patient. There are still preparations to be made for the Impure Blood, Volume 3 Kickstarter launch, and my time would be best spent on that.

Speaking of: I finished my MiniPrint for Volume 3!

TaaDaaa! I'm pretty pleased with it, but I'd love to hear what you think!

I tapped some old school comic covers for inspirations on this one. Not a direction I typically go despite, you know, being a comic book artist. I could definitely see using those resources again in the future, though.

I've got mini prints from a few other guest artists ready to go as well, but I think I'm going to keep from unveiling them just now. Got have some surprises in store for when we launch, right?

In the meantime, if you're itching for a good Kickstarter right now, you should absolutely check out The Queen's Blade by Josh Adams.

Fantasy and sci-fi collide in this time-traveling epic adventure. If you love audiobooks as much as I do, you will be particularly interested in the audiobook reward tier. The production values look great and I'm really excited to dig into this one.


We're closing in on the Kickstarter for Impure Blood 3! With a little luck, we should be able to launch in about a month. Hope you're excited! I know I am.

More soon.

Till then, be good!

But not too good 😉

- Nathan