Digital rewards! Comics! Desktop/Phone Backgrounds! FOR YOOOOUUU!!!
about 4 years ago
– Sun, Dec 06, 2020 at 11:52:06 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
Surveys away!
over 4 years ago
– Tue, Dec 01, 2020 at 05:04:15 PM
Hope you had a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
I had a small get together with my daughters and my folks, then a Zoom chat with the extended family for a little bit. It might not have been full-effect Thanksgiving, but it was still nice to slow down and watch my girlies play with their Gramma a bit. Hope you got to have a little R&R and eat way to much food as well!
Almost as important: Backerkit surveys for Impure Blood, Vol. 2 are away! If you backed at a level that gets your name on the backer page (any tier over $20), please get that done this week! I can't send the book to the printer until you do!
Comics bundles and phone/desktop backgrounds will be sent out this weekend, but you have till midnight on Sunday to fill out your survey if you want your name in the book! I'm aiming to have the book finalized and approved by the printer next week!
If you missed out on the Kickstarter, no worries. I gotchu. The Pre-Order Store is now up and running!
Now I obviously I can't promise that you will get Impure Blood, Vol. 2 by Christmas. But I do have copies of Volume 1, as well as MiniPrints from the Volume 1 Kickstarter campaign, original poster prints, and plenty of digital comics that I can absolutely get to you by Christmas! Plus, character commissions are always a great idea for that D&D player on your list.
Happy post-Thanksgiving Monday to you! May your turkey hangover be short-lived and merciful!
More soon.
Till then, be good!
But not too good 😉
- Nathan
Post Mortem
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 10:43:38 AM
It's been a week since the Impure Blood Volume 2 Kickstarter campaign wrapped, topping out at $11,875. A most heart felt and sincere tiding of gratitude to the 191 backers who helped us raise 119% of our goal!
Thank you. Truly.
And, while it's important to celebrate successes, it's also important to have a critical eye. And so, I present to you the Impure Blood Volume 2 Kickstarter Post Mortem. In which I ask myself what went well, what didn't go so well, what I learned, and what I plan on doing before my next Kickstarter in February.
It's a bit on the crunchy side, so if you don't necessarily care about the business strategy side of running a Kickstarter, this might not be for you. Still, I'm putting it out there as a way to keep myself accountable to you, and as a way to get my thoughts out into the world. It's about 20 minutes long, so buckle up!
If you're looking for something on the lighter side, then I got you for that, too.
Do you remember my friend Aimee? The one I told you about with The Unofficial Legend of Zelda Cookbook?
Well, she will be demonstrating a few of the recipes from her book live on Denver Pop Culture Con's 'Popstream' today at 4PM US Mountain Time.
Can't make it? No worries. It looks like they'll be throwing it up on the Pop Stream Youtube channel. Definitely recommend you check it out. I've tried a few recipes myself and this lady knows what she's doing.
As for me, BackerKit surveys will be going out this weekend, the order will be placed with the printers by the end of next week, and digital rewards will be going out the week after that. I'm working hard to get you your rewards as soon as possible. Allowing for a little turkey time, of course...
More soon.
Till then, be good!
But not too good 😉
- Nathan
Impure Blood Volume 1
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 03:23:08 PM
You can get Impure Blood, Volume 1 as part of this campaign!
So I've received a few questions about this and I apologize for not making it clearer throughout the campaign. If you didn't back the Impure Blood Volume 1 Kickstarter, you CAN still get a copy of Impure Blood, Volume 1 as a part of this campaign!
If you just want Volume 1 pledge at any level, and then up your pledge to +$40. You will be able to select it as an add-on in the Backerkit survey checkout. There are also reward tiers in which you can get copies of Volumes 1 & 2 at a buy one, get one half-off deal.
Just want everyone to be aware of that!
The Countdown Party starts in 15 minutes! Hope to see you there!
Last chance!
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 03:22:42 PM
This is it!
Last call for the Impure Blood, Volume 2 Kickstarter! Months of planning and preparation, 30 days of beating the drum, it all comes down to tonight!
Last chance to be one of the first to own a deluxe hardcover copy of Impure Blood, Vol.2
Last chance for theses Kickstarter exclusive Mini-Prints!
Last shot at the Impure Blood world map!
Last chance to bring home the Thuper Thpooky Comicth bundle!
...and the Kick-Ass Kickstarter comics bundle!
But there's a chance at even more!
$15,000 and $20,000 might be a bit out of reach (this time), but bookmarks and buttons are not out of the question!
Can we make it? Will all our backers get a sweet set of Impure Blood Bookmarks to go with their shiny new book?
One way to find out!
Tune in tonight at 8 PM CST for the Impure Blood, Vol. 2 Kickstarter Countdown Party! Put the kiddos to sleep, pour yourself an adult beverage, and come join the fun!
Here we go! Just a few hours left! I'm so excited, I can't freaking wait!
See you tonight!
Be good! But not too good 😉
- Nathan