
IMPURE BLOOD, Volume 2 of 4

Created by Nathan Lueth

The steam-fantasy epic continues in this a high-quality hardcover graphic novel about loss, revenge, and conflicting loyalties.

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I was afraid of this...
about 4 years ago – Wed, Feb 03, 2021 at 06:03:04 AM

It seems my concerns have been confirmed.

The shipment of Impure Blood, Volume 2 is due to reach port on Friday. Unfortunately, it seems there has been a massive COVID outbreak at the port which has slowed down literally everything.

Let's get something straight, though. For me, this is a bummer and it stinks. But for the dock workers, their families, and the California ports writ large, this is a potential doomsday scenario. There's even talk of closing the ports entirely. Put in perspective, pushing back my fulfillment plans and next Kickstarter launch is an inconvenience. If you feel the need to pour one out, please do so for the Los Angeles and Long Beach dock workers.

In the meantime, my plan remains the same: Prep the Impure Blood, Volume 3 Kickstarter launch and be ready to pull the trigger as soon as Volume 2 has been fulfilled.

And I have been! Check out the sweet Volume 3 project image  I did last week!

AND I've got a good start on the Volume 3 cover!

If you're interested in watching me in action, I'll working on the Volume 3 cover on my live draw this Thursday at 7 PM CST.

CLICK HERE to go to my Facebook page and get a reminder.

People who watch my livedraws and other videos sometimes ask where I found all the cool arts on my wall. And the answer is last year I backed a Kickstarter called Dames Zine. It's an artbook featuring 60 artists working with the the theme and love of badass women and illustration. And guess what! They just launched their follow up!

CLICK HERE to check it out!

They also have a side project about dogs in armor called Bushidoge, which is just hilarious and delightful. If you like cool action ladies being awesome being awesome, well then we can be friends. More importantly, however, you should check out Dames: Warrior Women of Legends on Kickstarter.

We've made it to February guys! Let's keep 2021 a-rollin'!

More soon.

Till then, be good!

But not too good 😉

- Nathan

Do you like enamel pins?
about 4 years ago – Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 03:14:28 PM

I need some input on something.

There's a matter I've been dragging my feet on a bit and for entirely selfish reasons. Y'see, people have been asking me about Impure Blood enamel pins for a while now and I've been putting it off because... well...

I'm just not a pin guy.

They're cool and everything, but they're just not something that's a normal part of my wardrobe. It's a little counter intuitive to me.

So I need the help of someone who is a pin person. If you'd like to see enamel pins as part of the Impure Blood, Volume 3 Kickstarter, it would be really helpful if you could take a minute and fill out this survey and tell me which of these pin ideas you like best. It's literally a one question survey. One and a half questions, max.

Here are the ideas I have so far:


And, if there's a pin you're not seeing that you wish you were, hit me back and let me know! I'm always open to suggestions!

The Kickstarter for Impure Blood, Volume 3 is launching around the end of February! The clock is ticking! Hope to see you there!

Till then next time, be good!

But not too good 😉

- Nathan

Stuff just got real!
about 4 years ago – Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 09:11:47 AM

They're real! They exist!

The Impure Blood, Volume 2 hardcovers have been printed! And I must say they're looking sharp!

That's the good news!

Here's the bad news.

Weeelll... not really bad... More like an adjustment of expectations.

According to my printer, things at the ports have been backed up since December. She's currently estimating they can get the books to me by mid-February, but if I'm trying to launch the Kickstarter for Impure Blood, Volume 3 on February 21st, that doesn't leave a whole lot of wiggle room.

It's important to me to fulfill my previous obligations before taking on new things. That's just the kind of guy I am. So here's the plan:

•I am going to continue to prep for the Impure Blood, Volume 3 Kickstarter as if it were going to launch on 2-21

•I am going to ship out Volume 2 as soon as it arrives, whenever it does wind up arriving.

•I am going to launch the Volume 3 Kickstarter one weekafter fulfillment is complete.

You will be able to join the Kickstarter for Volume 3 as soon as you have Volume 2 in hand!

It's an exciting world, this self-publishing biz! And it's important to be able to adapt. Fortunately, adaptability is just one of my many middle names.

One more thing I wanted to give you a heads up on. There's a lot of cool Kickstarters out there, but this is definitely one of the most exciting ones I've ever seen: A chance to preserve JRR Tolkein's former home!

The house where Tolkein developed the world of Middle Earth and first told the tale of Bilbo Baggins to his kids is up for sale, and Project Northmoor's mission ( is to purchase it and preserve it as a literary center and writing haven.

The lowest pledge level gets your name in the Red Book of Funders, which will sit in Tolkein's study, and the rewards only get better from there! This is a rare chance to put your name on a piece of fantasy history! I've already backed it, and I'm looking forward to sipping from my Fellowship of Funders mug in a true flex of nerdly might.

You can back the Kickstarter by CLICKING HERE

Or go to Project Northmoor's webpage and contribute directly by CLICKING HERE

More soon.

Till then, be good!

But not too good 😉

- Nathan

Off to the printers!
about 4 years ago – Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 07:12:01 PM


I expect you're probably on your way out the door from work soon or maybe on the way to grandma's house. I just wanted to check in with you quick before the holidays.

First and most important item: Impure Blood, Volume 2 is off to the printers! Still waiting on an estimated delivery date, but I'm still holding out hope to get Volume 2 fulfilled before launching Volume 3 in February. I think it's going to be tight one, but all I need at this point is to have books in hand.

If you didn't back the Kickstarter, no worries. You can still preorder a copy of Volume 2 (and regular order Volume 1) by CLICKING HERE

Shipping's included on all U.S. orders, BTW. Just throwing that out there.

I've also started working on commissions from the Kickstarter, so here are a few of those!

This one's for Janis. She wasn't specific about what she wanted, but I happen to know that she's involved with a non profit organization here in the Twin Cities and I wanted to celebrate that in her drawing.

Now Myron on the other hand was suuuuper specific about his D&D character. But that's OK. If a patron has something specific in mind I want them to be specific. It increases the likelihood that I deliver a product they're happy with by, like, a lot!

And lastly, a behind the scenes sneak peak of a work in progress! I don't share my under sketches with just anybody, so I hope you appreciate this.

At any rate, I hope the holidays find you happy, and bring you a little bit of respite from this goofy-ass year. "2020 is crazy" is kind of a cliche at this point, so instead let me leave you with the wish that whatever god you worship brings you contentment and peace this weekend.

Merry Chrismahanukwanzika!

More soon.

Till then, be good!

But not too good 😉

- Nathan

Digital rewards with LIVE LINKS!
about 4 years ago – Mon, Dec 07, 2020 at 12:39:39 PM

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