The steam-fantasy epic continues in this a high-quality hardcover graphic novel about loss, revenge, and conflicting loyalties.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 12:39:49 PM
It's been 5 days without a pledge. And, no matter how hard I beat the drum, it just won't seem to budge. It's still possible to pull this out, but I think it's going to be a close one.
I get it though. There's an unparalleled level of anxiety in the United States and the world at large right now. We are all receiving an object lesson that nothing is a given, and that past performance is no guarantee of future results.
In my book, however, that is all the more reason to stand up and fight on. It's OK to feel despair and let yourself be afraid. It's also important to take action. Any action. No matter how small. It might feel like a drop in the ocean but, to quote one of my favorite books/movies, "What is the ocean if not a multitude of drops?"
So I'm fighting on. I hope you will too. I believe in you. Because you believe in me. So believe in me who believes in you!
... that one might have gotten away from me.
And, if you need something to distract you a little bit, I've got you covered.
Have a look at this.
by Sam Noir
Get this, Ballyskillen is the first of a four issue storyline in an Augmented Reality Comic Book series. Meaning it integrates traditional 2D animation to enhance the storytelling. How cool is that?
The story is about a washed up pub owner who, after being blackmailed by an ancient druid, becomes the human agent for a hidden community of Faeries. Along with a shape shifting being known as a Pooka and a Punk Rock Leprechaun, they must hunt down a dark mythical creature before it kills again.
This one is for fans of Stranger Things, Harry Potter, and other modern dark fantasy tales
Everyone knows that wooden stakes and holy water kill vampires, but not many people know that the best weapon against a vampire is a unicorn's horn.
Unicorn: Vampire Hunter is a fantasy adventure comic about a curious young woman, a wise old wizard, and a unicorn with a penchant for killing vampires. It is a heartfelt story about friendship, love, and finding purpose in an unpredictable world.
And, if you're craving a little interaction and want to see some cool art get made, join me this evening at 7PM for my Thursday Night Livedraw! Hope to see you there!
The Mystery Patron Reward is still available! A signed and sketched hardcover of Impure Blood Vol.1 or 2, all four Kickstarter mini prints, all the digital rewards and comic bundles, AND an original character commission for only $100.
This tier is only available till we hit our funding goal, so don't wait too long.
And if you pledge before we hit our funding goal, you have a chance to win:
One new backer will be chosen every day to get a bonus sketch card added on to their reward pledge!
To quote another of my favorite movies, "Be excellent to each other."
And to yourself.
More soon! Till then, be good!
But not too good 😉
- Nathan
The Halfway Point...
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 09:04:33 PM
15 days left...
We are officially on the back end, and 72% funded. 75% if you count the pledges of our Mystery Patron.
I'm going to be honest, I'm a little nervous. We're in a good position, but progress has slowed way down and we've still got an election to get through before we cross that finish line. Nothing is ever a given and now is not the time to count chickens.
However, it's always a good time to celebrate cool things, and this is a thing that I think is super cool and wanted to share with you:
I backed the Unofficial Legend of Zelda Cookbook on Kickstarter last year. I got the package back in the spring and, with everything else going on, I promptly forgot about it. I finally got around to opening it today and, well, CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT:
If you want to secure your own copy of this amazing book, you can find it on Amazon BY CLICKING HERE
And if you want to see what else this amazing lady has created, follow Aimee on Instagram BY CLICKING HERE!
And while we're on the topic of cool things, have you heard about
by Travis Webb, Greg Smith, and Brett Weldele
What happens to child superheroes after they're all grown up? Do they end up like countless Hollywood child stars: a heroic past haunting their present, forgotten by the pop-culture zeitgeist only to be recalled in nostalgic listicles on YouTube?
Chris and Sara Sheridan - formerly Mighty Boy and The Melter of the sensational Ultra Kids - vanished from the public eye five years ago, leaving the world to wonder where they went. When a tabloid reporter tracks them down, all three are pulled into an interstellar adventure that none of them could have ever imagined.
Check out this very cool and very unique story by CLICKING HERE
And one more cool thing!
I've got an extra Surprise Prize up for grabs to the backer that pushes us over $7500! What could it be? Who will take it home? Only one way to find out!
On top of that, we have the special tier made possible by our Mystery Patron:
A signed and sketched hardcover of Impure Blood Vol.1 or 2, all four Kickstarter mini prints, all the digital rewards and comic bundles, AND an original character commission for only $100.
This tier is only available till we hit our funding goal, so don't wait too long.
And if that weren't enough, there's the Daily Drawing Drawing!
One new backer will be chosen every day to get a bonus sketch card added on to their reward pledge! This also only last till we hit our funding goal!
I don't even know how I could possibly add more value to this campaign. Literally no idea.
Two weeks left...
Is it too early to start playing Final Countdown?
More soon! Till then, be good!
But not too good 😉
- Nathan
More cool things!
over 4 years ago
– Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 11:31:12 PM
So here we are!
The campaign is a third over (19 days left!) and we're just shy of %70 funded!
(Got a special bonus surprise prize for the backer that pushes us over $700, BTW)
And what a ride it's been! Twists, turns and even a Mystery Patron showing up to match any pledge over $100!
So I think it's high time to take a minute and shine the spotlight on some other cool people I know who great things on Kickstarter!
The Peacekeepers
by Ryleand Grant & Davi Leon Dias
A dark, quirky crime drama in the vein of Fargo or No Country for Old Men. It’s a love letter to case-a-season police dramas like True Detective and The Wire, to Elmore Leonard novels, and to comic masterpieces like Criminal and 100 Bullets.
It’s brought you by the same twisted team that produced 10 rip-roaring issues of Action Lab: Danger Zone's much-lauded political action thriller ABERRANT. It made over a dozen critics ten best lists in 2019. It won a Mike Wieringo Comic Book Industry Award (for BEST VILLAIN) and was nominated for two others (BEST WRITER & BEST SINGLE ISSUE).
Rylend has worked for 15+ years in Hollywood, developing film and television projects - mostly big, poppy action movies - with folks like JJ Abrams, Ridley Scott, John Woo, Luc Beson, and Justin Lin. So you just know this is going to be really cool!
Of all the Kickstarters I've seen, this one is pretty special. Einar & Ira are making a graphic novel for the blind! That's right, this comic is going to be printed on a 3D printer specifically for the visually impaired! That alone makes it worth looking at (if you'll pardon the expression).
The story is about Kyle Monahan, a loner drifting through the streets of a techno-dystopian future New York City. For years Kyle has battled the system as part of an underground hacking movement, founded long before the visionaries of tech launched their war on privacy, dredging all personal information into colossal, all-encompassing databases. Now he is on the last leg of his mission to corrupt the tracking implants of as many as possible before The Big Blackout commences.
This is definitely on for the CyberPunks out there. Fans of Nueromancer, Snow Crash, and Blade Runner will love IMPLANT!
A couple great books there. You definitely don't want to miss out on those!
And don't forget, we've got that special tier at $100 courtesy of our Mystery Patron! It only lasts till we hit our funding goal, so don't delay!
And then, of course, there's the Daily Drawing Drawing!
One new backer will be chosen every day to get a bonus sketch card added on to their reward pledge! This also only last till we hit our funding goal!
More soon!
Till next time, be good!
But not too good 😉
- Nathan
Daily Drawing Drawings
over 4 years ago
– Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 08:08:49 PM
Hey Beautiful Backers!
Wanted to take a minute to share some of the fun sketches I've had the opportunity to to do because of the Daily Drawing Drawings! Believe it or not, I don't get to work on fun stuff like this very often, so the opportunity to have some sketchy-fun-time is a bit of a treat for me!
For backer Bill
for backer Patrick
for backer Hans (no, seriously)
for backer Chris
Every day, from now till we hit our funding goal, one new backer gets picked to have a free bonus sketch added to their reward! So spread the word! This is won't last forever!
PLUS, now is the perfect opportunity to get a commission with your reward, thanks to our MYSTERY PATRON! They're matching every pledge over $100 untill we hit our funding goal, which I am happy to pass on to my backers. This is effectively making every tier above $200 HALF-PRICE!! ei. The $200 tier is now $100, the $400 tier is now $200, etc. Truly a great opportunity for original art lovers.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend and the last of the good weather as we start our final approach to winter!
More soon! Till then, be good!
But not too good!
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 01:43:21 PM
You can click on the video above if you want to hear me talk about it, but here's the lowdown:
A Mysterious Patron who wishes to remain anonymous has offered a dollar-for-dollar match for pledge over $100 until we reach our funding goal. A backer pledges $100, The Patron pledges $100. A backer pledges $200, The Patron pledges $200. You get the idea.
This is a huge opportunity, so naturally, I wanted to pass the value on to you. I've added a new reward tier in honor of our Mystery Patron.
Basically it's the $200 reward tier, but at half-price!
So for $100, you'd get:
•Access to all the bonus comic bundles!
•Desktop/Phone Background!
•PDF of Impure Blood, Volume 1 & 2, Deluxe Edition!
•Hardcover Copy of IMPURE BLOOD, VOLUME 2!
•Your name on the backer page!
• Your book Signed & Sketched by Nathan & Nadja!
•All 4 Kickstarter MiniPrints
•AND a Full Color Character Art Commission!
Or, if you have another reward package you'd prefer, pledge at a tier you like, then boost your pledge to $100 for and additional $100 credit when you check out on BackerKit!
This is an insane package and I don't know that I will ever be able to offer it again. So don't miss out on this chance! This will only last until we hit our funding goal!
Plus on top of that, you will get a chance to win the Daily Drawing Drawing!
One new backer will be chosen every day to get a bonus sketch card added on to their reward pledge! Got a couple lucky winners already, so I'm going to start sharing those soon!
That is a level of value I never thought I would be able to offer. and I don't know how I could possibly give you a better deal.
Many thanks to our Mystery Patron for offering up this opportunity! Let's make it count!