
IMPURE BLOOD, Volume 2 of 4

Created by Nathan Lueth

The steam-fantasy epic continues in this a high-quality hardcover graphic novel about loss, revenge, and conflicting loyalties.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Sooooo close...!
over 4 years ago – Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 09:35:46 AM

We're close, my Beautiful Backers!

%41 funded, and almost 100 supporters!

Can we make it to %50 funded by Midnight tonight? I'll be tight, but I think it's possible!

really want to you to get that audio commentary track for Bram Stoker's Dracula!

BTW, I've added a reward tier for $55 that will let you get a signed physical copy of Impure Blood, Vol. 2, all the digital rewards, but without the MiniPrints. This way, backers who want their books signed don't have to mess around with add-ons after the campaign is over!


AndMonday at Midnight is the cut off for the Steam-Fantasy Bundle! So if you want that added to your rewards package!

There's some really good stuff in there that you don't want to miss!

Gage and the Dragon's Tear

by Patrick Kellner and Donny Dadiwidjaja

Gage Monahan, renowned thief and former member of the Dark Shadows Guild of Thieves and Assassins has been searching for a jewel with rumored mystical power for some time. He recently received a tip on where the jewel was being held. The plans have been laid and now it is time for Gage to steal the White Dragon’s Tear.

Wanna know more?


Leif & Thorn

by Erin Ptah

An LGBTQ-centric, fantasy webcomic, about a magic knight trying to have a romance in his second language and shield his love interest from a tangled web of shady debts, shadier politics, and spelltech-enforced behavior controls. And maybe squeezing in a trip to the opera.

The Kickstarter for Volume 3 of the series going on right now, so you should totally CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT!!

Last Ride of the 4 Horsemen

by Kevin LaPorte and Armando C. Rillo

A Steampunk-Western comic book series set in a world where the Apocalypse systematically eradicated human life, as monstrous Steampunk Horsemen destroyed food and water supplies and pitted the remaining, diseased peoples against one another in cannibalistic and genocidal wars.

Their Issue Zero and Box set Kickstarter is going on right now, so CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT!!

Fairy Tales Punk'd: An Illustrated Mythpunk Anthology

by Alison Weaverdyck

This collection pulls from several different fairy tale traditions as well as introducing some brand new stories. They dabble in various punk sub-genres, such as the familiar Steampunk, but also Dieselpunk, Cyberpunk, and Raypunk. Check out the descriptions below to find out more.

Each story is accompanied by an illustration from a different artists, INCLUDING ME!

There's only 6 days left on her Kickstarter, so CHECK IT OUT WHILE YOU HAVE THE CHANCE!

Skies of Fire

by Ray Chou, Vincenzo Ferriero, and Pablo Peppino

In the Aquilan Empire, airship travel has become the dominant means of transportation, commerce, and war. In the center of the Empire lies a monstrous, never-ending storm called The Expanse. The raider Delmonte orchestrates a surprise attack on the key trade outpost, Port Prince and his actions prompt Royal Guard Captain Helen Pierce to volunteer for an expedition to bring him to justice.

Ray and company have a lot of really cool projects going on, so you should totally check out his website:


There's a lot of good stuff in there, but remember, you only get it if you back by midnight tonight CST! Plus the Bram Stoker's Dracula audio commentary track if we can hit %50!

If any or all of that sounds good to you, then don't delay! Swear the oath today!


Happy Monday to you!

And be good!

But not too good 😉

- Nathan

A Thpooky Thurprithe for you!
over 4 years ago – Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 11:43:32 PM

Alright my Beautiful Backers!

So far so good. Woke up today to %36 funded, so we're chugging along.

But here's the thing: I really want us to get to %50 funded by Midnight on Monday, and I think we can do it! Not only because I want to unveil the %50 Milestone Bonus (something that I think will make your Halloween very Happy) but I want to make sure that as many people as possible get the Steam-Fantasy Bundle.

So let me sweeten the pot!

If we get to %50 by 11:59 PM CST, everyone who has backed up to that point will get an audio commentary track of me and a super special mystery guest expert watching the 1992 classic,

Bram Stoker's Dracula!

This is one of my favorite movies of all time, and a perennial favorite for Halloween. Gothic Victorian horror at it's finest! We'll discuss trivia, period styles, character/costume design, vampire mythology, and just generally jam about the movie.

AND you will get it BY HALLOWEEN!

That's right, if we can get to %50 by Midnight Monday, you will get your first campaign reward BEFORE THE CAMPAIGN IS EVEN OVER!!

So if that's something you want to happen, here's what you can do:

•If you've already backed, you can bump your pledge up by a buck or two!

•If you have a friend that would like Impure Blood, send them our way!

•Share the links on social media!

•If you're planning on backing but haven't yet, get your butt in there!


It might be tight, but I know we can do this! And I really want to share with you what Bram Stoker's Dracula means to me during this, my most favorite time of year!

Happy autumn to you!

Be good!

But not too good 😉

- Nathan

Day 1 is done!
over 4 years ago – Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 07:17:19 PM

We're on our way, my Beautiful Backers!

And at 33% funded we are off to a healthy and respectable start! But it ain't over till it's over! And it Ain't over till November 11th! Backing is awesome, but don't forget to share the links with your friends and on social media! And if you're still on the fence, don't forget that you have till midnight on Monday to back if you  want the Steam-Fantasy Bundle added to your reward!

Can we unlock the %50 Milestone reward by Monday? Maybe I need to cook up an extra bonus if we can! What ever should it be? Got any suggestions?

It is the Halloween season... I'm thinking something spooky! 🦇🕸🧛‍♂️👹👻💀🎃

I'll let you know what I decide. But we have to get to that %50 Milestone by Monday if we're going to unlock it!


Spread the word and beat that drum!

I'll bet in touch!

Till then, be good!

But not too good! 😉
